NYU Langone Health ‘MyWall’

When the team at NYU Langone started building the new Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel Pavilion, they saw an opportunity to reimagine the care experience for patients, families, and care teams.

They assembled a multidisciplinary team to take a holistic approach to create a differentiated patient experience for patients and families and they quickly realized that any innovative patient experience strategy should also include the experience and workflow needs of the care team.

With the implementation of NYU Lagone’s MyWall, they were able to address patient concerns such as education and meal ordering, while streamlining workflows for the care teams and assisting in COVID-19 response.

Explore the strategic approach NYU Langone Health took to digital engagement and the role of Oneview’s Care Experience Platform in powering the ‘MyWall’ digital patient hub.

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